Colonial Wargaming
Sudan and NWF Campaigns in Miniature
Colonial wargaming has always been one of our club's most popular periods and frankly, it doesn't get played enough! After having pretty good sized armies for the Sudan using 25mm Ral Partha figures, those were sold off and we went down two different paths for this era. The first is The Northwest Frontier using 28mm figures and The Sword and the Flame rules. The second is the early Sudan campaigns using 15mm figures along with the Battles for Empire II rules. This gives us the benefit of being able to do skirmishes for one colonial theater and larger, more operational level engagements in another. Over the years we've portrayed assaults on forts, rear guard actions, surprise attacks, and more with both sets of rules.
The wonderful thing about colonial gaming is that you can easily set up fictional encounters, use a wide array of units, and tailor the game to how many players you have without too much planning. Click on the links above to go to the various web pages that detail our games with Battles for Empire II, The Sword & the Flame, 15mm Nile Gunboats using Boilers & Breechloaders, plus our colonial campaigns that can be used with a variety of rules sets. Colonial wargaming is definitely a fun and exciting period for gamers.