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Fire & Fury

Fire & Fury ACW is a set of rules with each unit a brigade or battery of artillery and it has spawned a number of similar rules (Age of Eagles, Battles For Empire, etc.) that use it's command, movement, and morale system as their basis. This allows for large battles that involve multiple corps to be fought to completion in 3-4 hours, making it a great game for groups. Although we like tactical level games such as Johnny Reb, Fire & Fury is easy to set up, easy to teach, and we can finish a game in one night, which is hard to do with other sets of ACW rules. There are several scenario books available for F&F, which are great for helping gamers to organize their armies or to set up quick games.

F&F ACW: Battle of Chantilly


Stonewall Jackson and A.P. Hill Attack

Since it was Valentines Day only a few of us could get out of our relationship committments to attend this gaming session! We decided to do a F&F ACW battle and Gary chose Chantilly. This is an unusual fight in that Jackson came tearing down the road at an outnumbered Union force, but only had a few hours of daylight to accomplish anything. In F&F turns that meant that the CSA side had about six turns to march 3/4 of the way across the board and attack, carry the position, then move off the road in the Union rear! As you can see from the images, the CSA forces were set up in long battle linies, ready for contact with a few additional brigades coming up on their left, plus the artillery. The main problem was the terrain, which channelled the attack right down the center, which was where A.P. Hill and his division went. Nothing was held back on the CSA side as there were very few turns, so although there were some flanking attempts, their chance of success was slim. The Union forces arrived, deployed quickly and within a few turns were under heavy attack. At one point one of Hill's brigades broke through the Union lines and it looked as if the end was in sight. However, a Union brigade counterattacked and held the ground, allowing other forces to come up in support. Several other attacks made some headway, but the Union forces continued to counterattack, desperately holding the line. With about two turns to go the Confederate forces made one final lunge in the center, but could not break the Union brigades that continued to hold firm. In the end the attack was called off and the union forces escaped with a victory, despite heavy casualties and out of reserves.

Older Updates

Feb. 2, 2014: BKC 2 game on the Eastern Front. This was a tough fought game on the German armored forces trying to eliminate the Russian bridgeheads on the Oder River. In addition, here's a few books that were used to plan this BKC 2 scenario: