Samurai Warfare
Skirmish and Army Level Combat
The Samurai era is one of our club's most interesting and frustrating periods that we game. The era certainly provides a wealth of scenarios, different armies, a colorful period, vast amounts of available research information, and more. So why don't we play it more? The club has a large collection of 28mm figures for this era, but the difficulty seems to be finding a set of rules that everyone likes! While we are currently playing Ronin for skirmish actions of this era, we have not gamed anything larger than that in close to a decade. While we enjoy Katana at times, there are some weird inconsistencies in the rules and there are no "official" army lists for many of the other popular sets of ancients rules. While waiting for a set of lists that we can all agree on some of us have accumulated a growing pile of unpainted figures for the period. The feeling is that once we've determined where we're going that the painted units will start increasing and we'll get back into this period quickly. So far, after almost a decade we haven't seen any movement here and a few of us have expressed interest in starting up some Warmaster Ancients/Medieval Samurai armies and trying some campaigns.