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Warmaster Ancients

Based off of the popular fantasy system, Warmaster Ancients and its cousin, Warmaster Medieval, are two of our most popular sets of rules that we play. WMA uses a system where each unit consists of three stands and uses a simple, but effective command & control system. Each unit is rated for attack, armor, shooting, and special abilities such as skirmishers, phalanx, unreliable, etc. Commanders are assigned a command value which is used to determine if their orders to units go through successfully or not. This produces a very fun and fast moving game that looks and feels like an ancients battle where even larger games rarely last more than four hours. All of the armies in the images are 10mm figures from Old Glory and Magistar Militum with the buildings being the 10mm desert villages from Paper Terrain.

WMA: Successors vs. Assyrians


Battle Report & Catching Up

First, sorry for the long absence of updates. My mom passed away in mid-November and my father is at the end of his life as well, so as you can imagine it hasn't left much time for gaming. However, we did have our usual Friday after Thanksgiving game where we played Warmaster Ancients. It was supposed to be a massive Indians vs. Successors battle, but I took the wrong box and instead grabbed Assyrians! To complicate matters I forgot their chariots! Still, we had a pretty good three hour battle that ended up with the Successors prevailing in the end on break points. The Assyrian infantry and archers are nothing to sneeze at and they made life difficult for the usual Successors hodge podge of units.

I've been working on more 15mm units for the Sudan and some terrain as well, so expect some Battles For Empire 2 battle reports. We also have the annual Warmaster Ancients club tournament coming up, which is always a favorite as you get to see a lot of interesting armies matched up against ahistorical opponents.

Also, I've been looking for a Panzer General replacement for quite some time, or at least an app for iPhone/iPad which has some resemblance to history. I think I may have found a winner with Wars & Battles: Normandy 1944. This is a pretty involved app that is definitely in the category of computer wargames. I've been working my way through a number of scenarios and have been impressed with what I'm seeing so far. The 3D terrain and historical units are already a huge plus over other apps I've toyed around with. There's definitely a "puzzle" type aspect here as you try to use the terrain along with the units in your force to seize the various objectives. From their web site it looks like this is the first in a series of games and you can get more information by clicking on the image.

The Friday Night Update is sponsored by Trenchworx.

Older Updates

Sept. 15th, 2014: Age of Eagles-Katzbach 1813

Sept. 2nd, 2014: WMM Crusdaers vs. Saracens

August 18th, 2014: Ronin

July 21st, 2014: TSATF skirmish on the Northwest Frontier.

June 23rd, 2014: Battle of Nashville using the Fire & Fury ACW rules.

May 27th, 2014
BKC2 late Eastern Front.

May 12th, 2014
Phantoms game

April 14th, 2014
A Late Renaissance game using the AOD rules.

March 30th, 2014 AOD 1495

Feb. 16th, 2014: F&F ACW-Battle of Chantilly.

Feb. 2, 2014: BKC 2 East Front.