After Stoke Field 1487
De La Pole and the Rebels Attack!
This was a fictional battle assuming that Stoke Field was unable to be fought due to storms. It is two weeks later and both sides have received more reinforcements. De la Pole and the rebel Yorkist, Irish, and mercenaries are driving on London, but Oxford is blocking them. Meanwhile, the King's forces are moving up to engage the rebels and end the Wars of the Roses once and for all. However, in the battle the King's fores had horrific command rolls, enabling the rebels to hold the crossroads as well as the bridge, which forced the King's forces to go the long way around.Meanwhile, the Irish and the newly painted mercenary contingent attacked Oxford, who for a long time held against everything thrown at him. There was some desperate fighting along the ridge Oxford occupied as he waited for the King's forces to arrive. When the game was called, Oxford was clearly pushed back and in trouble, but the King's forces were making headway. The game was called as a Rebel tactical victory, but there was more fighting to be done!
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