Salt Lake Open & WOTR
War of the Roses Demo Game
We were asked to run a demo game of Hail Caesar for the Salt Lake Open, which was a first ever wargames show featuring tournaments for Bolt Action, Flames of War, Staar Wars Armada, and more, with the WH40K and Age of Sigmar tournaments across the street at another venue. We decided to go with the War of the Roses and set up a fairly large game that held 7 players, with about 20 units per side. We were put in a room with the Blood Bowl tournament and despite things being a bit cramped, the game went off quite well, with a lot of onlookers and many, many questions. We were able to get in around 14 turns in about 5 hours, which was a new record for us! For a first time event it was pretty well attended as the main room was overflowing most of the time. If there is a second year for the event, there will definitely need to be more room for open gaming and demos, an event schedule, and most importantly, a place that sells concessions! Overall, however, it was a good first event and shows a lot of promise for the future if it can be expanded.
The Friday Night Update is sponsored by Trenchworx.