BKC IV: Attack the Bridgehead
Russians Cross the Oder River 1945
I've been reading a lot lately on the Oder River crossings during the final drive on Berlin. To say that there are a lot of scenario ideas would be an understatement! In this scenario, the Russians have a small bridgehead as well as two ferry operations in an effort to break through in this sector. Some Russian forces are already across, but more are lining up to get into action across the river. The Germans have a Volkstrum battalion in place, but the German command system has broken down, so one German force will enter and attack the bridgehead while the other will try to delay the Russian armor. At first, the Germans were repulsed in their first attack and it looked like it might be an early night! We actually started discussing if the Germans might need more armor, but then, things turned around. For one thing, the Russians simply could not roll any saves! The second thing was the lone German artillery battery in support kept scoring hits turn after turn. On top of that, the Russian command rolls got worse and worse as the night progressed. In the end, the Germans halted the Russian attacks on both flanks and won the game!
The Friday Night Update is sponsored by Trenchworx.