BKC4: First Try with New Edition
Russian Encirclement & German Counterattack
With the group finally getting our copies of BKC4, it was time to try the new version out. Granted, we hadn't spent much time reading all the changes, so this would be a workk in progress! The scenario was a Russian attack from a bridgehead to encircle a vital town. The crossing had been blown, but if the town fell the Russians could repair it and shuttle supplies through it. The Russians began the attack with two T-34 battalions plus support, to be followed by additional units as they completed the off board ferry crossing. The Russians got off to a fast start, with both Russian commanders rolling snake eyes on the same turn! For a few minutes it looked like it might be an early game as the Russians were way out in front due to their great command rolls and various smoke screens. The Germans, however, counterattacked and for quite some time it looked like the Russians might not survive. Turn after turn of point blank firing by both sides soon saw a landscape filled with burning vehicles. The Russians did just enough to secure a victory as they were able to get a few of their armored units off the main highway into the German rear areas. A good test of the new system, but we still had a lot of questions that need to be looked into.
The Friday Night Update is sponsored by Trenchworx.